


My name is Ruben Voogt, I am a recent graduate from Brighton University where I completed my BA (Hons) in Architecture and received a First Class Honours. I was born in Gorleston, and have lived most of my life in Southwold, East Anglia, England. Being from Dutch descent and having travelled the world with my parents, I have had the opportunity to live in England, The Netherlands and Australia.

I have set up this website to illustrate my experience’s so far in the world of architecture.

Since starting my Bachelor’s degree I have explored a range of techniques and methods within the design process. Year 1 consisted of learning the basics and I mainly focused on hand drawings. Whereas in second and third year I have started to develop my CAD modelling and rendering skills.

Architecture is fascinating as to how it can provide diversity, hidden stories and emotional response within certain types of spaces. It provides an opportunity for diversified knowledge and therefore can lead into many different avenues of creativity.

Since the beginning of my course sustainability has become more of an international concern. Over the last couple of years, I have developed my focus towards re-using materials and reducing the buildings carbon footprint. Energy efficiency is something I am still to learn a lot more about and will continue doing so throughout my studies.  

Studying architecture has allowed me to learn about what I prioritise throughout the creative process and what I aim for in the future. One of these being that I love creating community spaces which can bring all types of people together. Due to my previous project briefs being very loose I have not yet focused on selected preferences from members of the public. This will happen in my current third year project. I will try to update the website as I develop my work.


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